Recently i had been buying lot of Transformers Toy and i felt that i should give myself a guideline. This guideline will be a thumb of rule when come to Transformers Toy Collection. Here is go:
I, NRIC, RANK and Name. Hereby, declare that:
I, strictly collect G1 Transformers and series’ or individual toys that are directly relevant to G1. Exceptions may be occasioned for exceptionally brilliant new series'(for example Beast Wars) or the one off nice figure (those make by 3rd Party or like Masterpiece).
Base on the above statement and i look at my collection, currently this is what i have:
1) Generation One
2) Kabaya Candy Toy
3) WST
4) Masterpiece Series (Planning to get MP13 only)
5) Transformers Classics/United [Only the Seeker & G2 Tank Megatron]
6) Transformers Movie [Only for Shockwave]
7) Encore
8) Beast Wars
9) High Quality KO G1 Transformer [G1 Dinobot, Minerva & Doubledealer]
10) Transformers collector's Club Exclusive [Runamuack]
I am not interested in building a big 'Transformers' collection as compare to those completists but i rather being very focus and having a theme or nich collection. Therefore my thumb of rule is as below:
Rule of Collection:
[1] To buy ‘back’ any and all Transformers that I wanted as a kid
[2] Every figure must be 100% complete with no play/print wear for loose figure, to be upgraded to MIB/MISB if possible
[3] To complete every single DECEPTICON Transformers from Masterforce Series
[4] To complete every single DECEPTICON Transformers from Beast Wars Series which include "Transmentals" & "Transmental 2" series.
[5] To collect every single DECEPTICON Transformers from Series 1 (1984) to Victory Series
which i like.
And all the above will offically started by
TODAY: 7th June 2012.