Monday, October 22, 2012

Kreon: Micro-Changer Series 1 Complete

Finally find some time to blog my "Outdated" post on these great Kreon micro changer. This is a great series to collect as there are all from "The Decepticon", haha.. Personally i perfer to display them in Robot mode than thier alt. mode. Now, i'm just hoping that Kreon will carry on to release more micro changer in near future.


Justitoys: Shockwave

Since i gotten myself Justitoys sixshot, i really start to love this series of WST by Justitoys. Those diecast part are great and make the toys feel "goods". The colour also follow closely to G1. I had beem collecting Kabaya Candy Toys for quite sometimes but after my first Justitoys WST.... i really need to reconsider about Kabaya's TF. Kabaya are great but the colour and plastic feel of the toys just don't feel right, therefore in future, maybe i'll just collect those G1 Kabaya and not those recent design of TFs. (fingercross.. hope more G1 Kabaya will be reissue, maybe starting with the Pretenders series? haha.. my wishlist). My recent purchase is Military Operations Commander aka Shockwave. haha.. compare to Sixshot, he is really small but it good. Cos it can transform into his gun mode and with that extra "fist", i can use it with my G1 Bruticus. Soon, i'll post more of Justitoys WST. Which will be Astrotrain but first, i must resolve some "issue" with the seller first.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

Finally it over!

Yes, finally it over... My 2 months over loaded with work, work & work.. And it now back to Game, TF and all the fun stuffs. To begin with, i'll like to share this incredible game call XCOM: Enemy Unknow. I had played the original version back in 1994 when it call UFO: Enemy Unknow on my "486" computer. I just bought it but haven't have the time to play yet but with all the review, no doubt it will be a GREAT game.