Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Fansproject X-1 Code

Here are some random shot of Code from Fansproject. Actully i'm waiting for X-2 (Quadrulpe-U) and X-3 (Smart Robin) to post them together, but finally i give in and post it by Toyworld Hardbone instead.


  1. Hi there. Can u advise me as to where I can buy Fansproject stuff in Singapore? Does FPJ do direct sales online? I was out of TFs collecting for awhile but now my interests are rekindled cuz of 3rd party releases... Thanks in advance!

  2. Hi KG, actually there are a few toy shop in SG selling Fansproject and other 3rd party stuffs, you can try the 2 below
    1. www.tfh.com.sg (located at waterloo street)
    2. Vincent Collection (located at china square central)

    welcome back to the great collection of Transformers.
